Fast and seamless international parcel delivery

Parcel Pickups
After arranging for pick-up, Ocrbuy will collect your package from the selected address and send it to one of their warehouses for palletizing, sorting, and packaging.
Middle Mile
Your parcels will depart by air freight, sea freight, or trucking, depending on the service lane to the destination country. We will handle all export and import customs clearance for you.
Last Mile Delivery
After clearing customs, parcels are loaded and prepared for delivery to the recipient's doorstep. Our team of last mile experts will map out the most efficient route for your parcels.
  • Competitive Pricing
    We provide competitive prices based on our excellent purchasing power and cost control.
  • Efficient Delivery
    We value the importance of time and ensure that goods arrive on time through strict operational strategies.
  • Goods Safety Guarantee
    Multiple security measures for safe goods: strict packaging, careful loading, monitoring.

We will continually enhance our services

We strive to provide a personalized experience by offering a wide range of supplementary services tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you enjoy the highest quality experience possible:
  • Customised cross-border solutions
  • Dedicated account management
  • Tech-enabled shipping
  • Hassle-free return service

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