
Secure your goods from China and SEA with our end-to-end sourcing and procurement services


If you have selected a supplier but need additional assistance with pricing, MOQ negotiation, product confirmation, and supplier vetting. Buy-for-you covers:

  • Purchasing
  • Logistics/importation
  • Pickup and delivery to your warehouse

We also offer payment assistance should it be required.

Single touchpoint
Say goodbye to the headache of dealing with multiple suppliers! With us, you get a dedicated account manager who will guide you every step of the way
Reliable service
With our expertise in logistics and supply chain, we ensure a seamless experience. Tap into our local procurement team in China and gain access to the world's largest suppliers. Expect fast delivery of your orders with our commitment to speed.
Competitive pricing
Benefit from our expansive partner network, which guarantees optimum prices, quality, and service. With this vast network, we can provide competitive and affordable prices, as well as flexible payment terms to enhance your cash flow.
Secured overseas payments
Enjoy the convenience of accessing and creating your orders anytime, anywhere, even when you are abroad. With our secure payment portal, you can easily order from overseas and make payments in the local currency.

Experience hassle-free procurement

From sourcing to import/export to warehouse delivery, we can handle all aspects of your business’supply chain needs. In addition, we also offer value-added services like:


  • Pallets
  • Repacking and overpacking
  • Quality control checks
  • Labelling
  • Warehousing
  • Product photo taking


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