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3 Ways Real Time Payments Are Impacting Your Financial Life (Whether You Realize It or Not)

3 Ways Real Time Payments Are Impacting Your Financial Life (Whether You Realize It or Not)

2019-08-13 14:50:26
survey revealed that 90% of businesses expect that real time payments will “dramatically transform” the way business is done.

Consider how real time payments could transform the experience of receiving payment for an insurance claim, as just one example. Suppose your roof is damaged in a severe storm. As it stands today, you’d probably file a homeowner’s insurance claim with your insurance company as a first step. Assuming that claim is verified and payout for repairs approved, you may then wait several days to receive the check to complete the repairs.  Because you don’t want to call a roofer to do the work until you know you can pay the bill, you wait to schedule repairs until the check arrives in your mailbox, and you’ve had time to deposit it at your bank and wait a day or so for the funds to settle. When the roofer does come to fix your roof, you write him a check. Even more time passes until he makes the deposit into his account, and the cash comes out of yours! That’s a lot of steps to fix one roof!

Now consider that same scenario, in a real time payments context. Your insurance company could transfer funds to your bank account instantly, as soon as the payout is approved. When your roofer completes the work, he can text or email you an invoice for the work; you immediately transfer funds to him for payment from your phone as you assess his work from your front yard. The whole process is drastically improved, for all involved.

3.Your Payments Will Be Even More Secure

By definition, a real time payment moves funds immediately, as soon as the transfer is initiated. Time adds considerable value when it comes to stopping payment on a fraudulent check or intercepting a suspect debit or credit card transaction—despite that these forms of payment aren’t as convenient as an instant payment. Real time payments demand real time fraud prevention.  There is, quite literally, no room for error.

Real time payments are in many ways, a new frontier in financial services—especially in the U.S.  Rest assured, fraud prevention and management is a top priority in the real time payments space; this is why use case roll out has been relatively slow, cautious and mostly targeted to small value transactions. Together, the financial ecosystem will determine a fraud management solution that protects all involved and delivers the benefits real time payments offer, but like any innovation, it’s a work in progress.

Real time payments are a relatively new concept in the U.S. financial system, but we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of their practical application, and the value consumers, banks and corporates could experience as a result of them.

Sound off in the comments below: Have you used real time payments yet? If so, what did you think of the experience?


You may have recently heard that the Federal Reserve plans to launch a real time payment service by 2024—but if you’re like many consumers, you may be left scratching your head at what that actually means for your financial life.  While the term “real time payments” isn’t typically used by the average consumer, you may already be an “early adopter” of the most innovative money movement capability to hit the United States in decades (whether you realize it or not!).

Here’s a closer look at what real time payments entail and three ways they impact your financial life.

A Real Time Payments Primer

If you’ve ever moved money using a service like Zelle, People Pay or PayPal’s “Instant Transfer,” you may already use real time payments—without even realizing it. Real time payments are a newer concept in the United States, but they’re used widely around the globe and have been for years. In fact, when the Federal Reserve launches its recently announced real time payments system in 2024, it will be the second arrival in the U.S. The first United States’ real time payments rail, RTP, launched in late 2017 and now connects about half the U.S.’ banks and credit unions. With two real time payment rails, it’s likely that we’ll see more financial institutions of all shapes and sizes connect to at least one them, which should expedite the adoption of real time payments and expand the number of ways they can be used by consumers, businesses and banks.

Here are three ways real time payments will impact your financial life.

1.You Can Pay Anyone Using the Info You Already Have

In the context of moving money from one person to another, real time payments use an email address or a phone number; there is no need to exchange sensitive information, like a bank account number to transfer funds. And because the infrastructure that’s moving the money operates in real time, payment happens immediately. Whether you’re a freelance web designer who wants to receive immediate payment from a client, a dog owner who needs to send cash to the pet sitter to make sure Fido gets his walk, or a tenant who needs to pay your roomies for half of the rent, real time payments enable immediate payments using the phone number or email address you already have, for the person you want to pay.

2.Waiting for Money Will Be a Thing of the Past

As real time payments adoption increases, expect more sophisticated use cases to emerge well beyond simply moving money between people. In fact, a Citizens Bank survey revealed that 90% of businesses expect that real time payments will “dramatically transform” the way business is done.

Consider how real time payments could transform the experience of receiving payment for an insurance claim, as just one example. Suppose your roof is damaged in a severe storm. As it stands today, you’d probably file a homeowner’s insurance claim with your insurance company as a first step. Assuming that claim is verified and payout for repairs approved, you may then wait several days to receive the check to complete the repairs.  Because you don’t want to call a roofer to do the work until you know you can pay the bill, you wait to schedule repairs until the check arrives in your mailbox, and you’ve had time to deposit it at your bank and wait a day or so for the funds to settle. When the roofer does come to fix your roof, you write him a check. Even more time passes until he makes the deposit into his account, and the cash comes out of yours! That’s a lot of steps to fix one roof!

Now consider that same scenario, in a real time payments context. Your insurance company could transfer funds to your bank account instantly, as soon as the payout is approved. When your roofer completes the work, he can text or email you an invoice for the work; you immediately transfer funds to him for payment from your phone as you assess his work from your front yard. The whole process is drastically improved, for all involved.

3.Your Payments Will Be Even More Secure

By definition, a real time payment moves funds immediately, as soon as the transfer is initiated. Time adds considerable value when it comes to stopping payment on a fraudulent check or intercepting a suspect debit or credit card transaction—despite that these forms of payment aren’t as convenient as an instant payment. Real time payments demand real time fraud prevention.  There is, quite literally, no room for error.

Real time payments are in many ways, a new frontier in financial services—especially in the U.S.  Rest assured, fraud prevention and management is a top priority in the real time payments space; this is why use case roll out has been relatively slow, cautious and mostly targeted to small value transactions. Together, the financial ecosystem will determine a fraud management solution that protects all involved and delivers the benefits real time payments offer, but like any innovation, it’s a work in progress.

Real time payments are a relatively new concept in the U.S. financial system, but we’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg in terms of their practical application, and the value consumers, banks and corporates could experience as a result of them.

Sound off in the comments below: Have you used real time payments yet? If so, what did you think of the experience?

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